
GNA Information and Resources

Photo Credit: Laura Wagner


The Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) is an important partnership tool available to the USDA Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with the intent to increase the pace and scale of forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration across jurisdictional boundaries.

Permanently enacted in the 2014 Farm Bill and amended in the 2018 Omnibus Appropriations and the 2018 Farm Bill, GNA enables States, Counties, and Indian Tribes to act as an agent of the federal agencies to complete authorized restoration services on federal and non-federal lands.

This webpage provides a repository of informational and educational resources about GNA for western state forestry agencies, federal agencies, and partners. 

GNA Spotlight - May 2024, Montana

Authored by Gary Ellingson


The Westside Bypass Wildfire Resiliency Project covers approximately 4,866 acres of National Forest System lands and is located two miles northwest of Seeley Lake, MT. This entire project area falls within the wildland-urban interface of the Seeley-Swan Fire Plan, a component of the Missoula County Wildfire Protection Plan. Within the project area, there are about 678 acres of private lands, which includes a portion of the Seeley Lake Game Reserve, undeveloped parcels, as well as primary and secondary residences. 

The project’s purpose was to reduce wildfire hazards and improve the landscape’s long-term health and resilience. Project planning was completed in collaboration with local partners, including the Southwestern Crown Collaborative (SWCC), the Clearwater Resource Council (CRC), and the Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC).

The Seeley Lake Ranger District and the Montana DNRC worked closely on a GNA Agreement, which enabled the agencies to integrate staff and expertise to accomplish fuels reduction on a portion of the project area through a 1,552-acre commercial timber sale prepared and administered by the DNRC. Commercial harvesting improved forest structure by opening the canopy and promoting fire-resistant tree species, such as western larch and ponderosa pine, and has created a mosaic forest with diverse age classes.

As of February 2024, the commercial harvest activity is complete across all 1,552 acres of harvest units with subsequent post-harvest activities, including temporary road deconstruction and various forest management practices, continuing through 2025. This strategic initiative underscores the commitment to proactive forest management, ensuring the long-term health and resilience of the landscape. 

For more information, contact Gary Ellingson.

GNA Information and Resources

CWSF/WFLC Resources

Authorizing Language and Relevant Legislation

USDA Forest Service/BLM Implementation Tools and Resources

State Agency Resources

Additional Resources

Contact Information and Submitting a Resource

To learn more about CWSF/WFLC GNA involvement, please contact Kelsey Delaney.

If you wish to submit a suggested resource for inclusion on this page, please complete our Google Form