
Mission, Values, and Goals

The mission of the Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) is to promote science-based forest management that serves the values of society and ensures the health and sustainability of western forests.


WFLC adheres to these core values:

  • Forested watersheds are vital sources of fresh water, recreation, wildlife, timber, and many other products, values, and uses -- all of which are essential to current and future generations’ environmental, economic, cultural, and social well-being.
  • Partnerships, collaboration, project integration, and program coordination that stretch across land ownership boundaries are essential for successful and sustainable forest resource public policy and management.
  • Research and science-based information is critical to establishing effective and relevant forest policies and practices.


WFLC is committed to the following goals:

  • Launch initiatives that position the West to respond to the forest resource needs of the public.
  • Strengthen the voice of Western forestry as it relates to matters of forest policy and land management.
  • Facilitate the development, integration, and implementation of Western State, Private, and Tribal Forestry programs.
  • Maximize federal and state financial investments by combining resources and partnerships across agency and ownership boundaries.
  • Tackle emerging West-wide issues by providing research, recommending policies, and coordinating efforts across land ownerships.