
National Forest System

The USDA Forest Service manages public lands, known collectively as the National Forest System (NFS). 

The NFS consists of 154 national forests and 20 national grasslands covering 193 million acres in 43 states, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. 1

The natural resources on these lands are among our nation's greatest assets and have major economic, environmental, and social significance for all Americans. 

The NFS is made up of nine regions, seven of which are in the western United States. The seven western regions include: 

  • Alaska Region (R10)
  • Pacific Northwest Region (R6)
  • Pacific Southwest Region (R5)
  • Northern Region (R1)
  • Intermountain Region (R4)
  • Rocky Mountain Region (R2)
  • Southwestern Region (R3) 

The highest authority in each region is the Regional Forester, who reports to the Chief of the Forest Service. The seven western Regional Foresters are members of WFLC. Two Regional Foresters serve on the WFLC Executive Board
