GNA Spotlight - Nebraska, May 2021

Good Neighbor Authority Spotlight

In 2018, the Nebraska Forest Service (NFS) signed a Master Agreement with the Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands (NNF&G). This agreement, the first of its kind in Nebraska, authorizes the NFS responsibility for preparation, contracting, and administration of specific management activities on USDA Forest Service lands in Nebraska.

In November 2019, the NFS completed GNA Case 1, a 346.7 acre fuels reduction project in a 2012 burn footprint. GNA Case 2 is presently underway with a 210.0 acre project in the same burn footprint, estimated to be completed May 2021.

The treatments involve felling and masticating the fire-killed trees in place, as the ponderosa pine fuels have deteriorated to the point where it is no longer practical to handle them with traditional cut/skid/pile methods. Funding is in place for GNA Case 3, which will treat fuels in a green footprint.

For more information about this project and GNA in Nebraska, contact Fred McCartney.

Photo Credit: Fred McCartney.