Meet a Forester, Michiko Martin

This month, we are pleased to feature Michiko Martin, Regional Forester for the USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region.

We invite you to meet Michiko! 

What was your first position in the field of forestry?

My work in forestry started in 2014 when I joined the U.S. Forest Service, making the transition from natural resource management of our nation’s oceans to federal lands. 

How long have you been in your role?

I have had the opportunity to serve our country for over 35 years, but have only been in this role for about two years.

What do you enjoy most about being a Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) member?

The diversity of perspectives and comradery of our members.

What is your favorite hobby?

I love indoor rock climbing! I only started climbing a couple years ago after a colleague offered to take me out for a few hours before I needed to catch a flight. I had such a great time that it was worth the stress of almost missing my flight! Now, I try to pay it forward and introduce climbing to anyone who’s interested—here’s an open invitation to all WFLC members to join me for a session. When not climbing, I also love hiking: reach out to me before our next meeting if you need a hiking partner for a pre- or post-conference outing!