GNA Spotlight - Idaho, November 2023
Authored by Jon Songster, Bureau Chief - GNA, Idaho Department of Lands

The Scattered Lands Project was developed through a collaborative process of planning, prioritizing, and implementing hazardous fuel reduction work under the Healthy Forest Restoration Act and Good Neighbor Authority (GNA).
The project area is located in Bonner County, Idaho on the Sandpoint Ranger District of the Idaho Panhandle National Forests. On August 19th, during red flag conditions, a human-caused wildfire started in an area recently treated through a GNA thinning contract and timber sale. Due to the removal of the ladder fuels, the fire stayed on the ground and was able to be contained at just 3 acres. Idaho Department of Lands fire crews used the adjacent Albeni GNA timber sale unit to construct a dozer line to contain the fire before spreading to adjacent residential properties and industrial timberlands private timberlands.
For more information, contact Jon Songster.